Sunday, February 19, 2012

How About Quarter-Life Awakening?

I do appreciate the concern of several folks who have inquired about my "crisis."  Perhaps I have chosen a poor description.  Really, I'm just standing up and taking a more active role in my own life.  I don't want to wake up, go to work, come home, eat, watch tv, go to bed, and repeat.  I want to try new things and appreciate each day as an opportunity as opposed to something to "get through."

Things I would like to do:
  • bake more
  • try new recipes
  • be craftsy, or at least try
  • be more physically active
  • do more nice things for my husband
I'm totally open to ideas!  Feel free to share a recipe, craft, activity, or other idea for me to try!


  1. Do you have a stand mixer? It's delicious and mega-easy to make homemade bread if you have a stand mixer to do the kneading part. If you don't, you should come over, and we could have a baking day! I also can make scones. Deeee-freakin'-lish, especially with coffee or tea.

    1. I do not, but I hear magical things about them! A baking day would be delightful :)
