Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dog-Fighting Attire

I called my grandma, and she was telling me all about these special shoes she ordered.
Grandma: So I ordered them online, but I couldn't see them before I got them.  It said they were brown, and I was hoping to be able to wear them with my tan pantsuit to your cousin's confirmation.

Me: Oh, that would be great!  Have you gotten them yet?

Grandma: Well, yes, and I tell you, I wouldn't wear those things to a dog fight!
Poor g-ma.  The good news is that she was able to locate a place to get her special shoes where she can check them out beforehand.  And no, I do not believe my grandmother has ever attended a dogfight, although animals decidedly do not hold a soft place in her heart.
Me: So we've taken our cat to the vet a few times now for his respiratory problems, and the vet says he has a chronic condition and will have to take steroids the rest of his little life.

Grandma: Oh for God's sake!  Put him down, it isn't worth all that!
I assure you I did not take her advice, even though 99% percent of the time she is 100% right.  Just not this time.  Here is Oliver, alive and well, all shaved up in his leg-warmers and exploring the freezer while I'm trying to clean it:


  1. Did you shave him or did the vet? I can't imagine that was an easy task, haha. Your grandma cracks me up!

    1. Oh, definitely the vet! Oliver is not what one would call a "nice" cat. I love him, but he's pretty mean. They had to knock him out to shave him. :S

      Yeah, my grandma is a hoot! I love her so much :)

  2. He looks adorable! And so stylish!
