How much work did I actually do, you ask? Five minute walk, 2 minute run, and another 5 minute walk.
Why yes, I am that out of shape, thank you for asking. Now wipe that smug look off your face! I will have you know that I am a marathon pleasure-reader! And no, that does not mean romance novels. At the moment it means cozy mysteries.
Anyway, I have a tendency to quit things pretty quickly. (For example, I am not signing up for the Dollar Shave Club -- I'm a little too hippie to need that many razors a month, even if they are cheap.) But I'm going to try really hard to stick to this, so feel free to taunt me and hold me accountable if I appear to be slacking. Stephen is crazy supportive, as always! Love that guy.
In case you are interested, here's the plan I found:
(chart from:
p.s. I don't actually plan on running a race. All by myself is just fine, provided I make it that far.
Running sucks. You should bike instead! Let's go on a bike ride together sometime. It can be a nice long one if cardiovascular health is your goal. =)