Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trying New Things, or My Quarter Life Crisis

I think this blog is kind of an experiment.  We'll see if it works!

I'm finding myself feeling concerned about "the Facebook" for a number of reasons:
  • I don't know what douchey Zuckerberg is going to do with my personal information.  It creeps me out.  I'm pretty sure that if I leave FB, he'll still keep all my info.  But it's the principle of the thing.
  • I suck at keeping in touch with people.  Big time.  FB makes it easy for me to "feel" in touch without actually picking up a phone or writing a good old-fashioned letter.  I don't like that.
  • While I "feel" in touch with FB, I am only keeping up with a person as much as they would like to show all their FB friends.  For some folks, this is way more than I care to know.  For most others, I'm sure I'm missing out on things in their lives and not actually being a real-life, actual friend to them.
So, my exit from Facebook and the start of this blog are pieces of some changes I'm trying to make in my life.

This blog will serve 2 main purposes for me:
  1. A place to keep folks up-to-date who are interested in what's going on my life but maybe like me aren't great at keeping in touch (NO judgment will come from me there).  Or, if I like you well enough to have sent you the link to this and you're wondering why but would still like to stalk me, that's okay too.
  2. I'm working on being more positive and organized.  As the title of this blog might suggest, I'm going to try to keep this thing mostly positive.*  That doesn't mean I won't be real.  It just means I need practice at not being a pessimist-realist. I think I can be generally positive and still be a realist.  We'll see.  I'm a hot-head, so I'll still be grumpy sometimes.  Which is okay.  (Check out that realistic goal I just described!  Hell yes!)
So, that's the experiment in a nut-shell.  Feel free to follow my journey (or be a part of it!) if you'd like :-)

*Also, O Brother, Where Art Thou? is one of my favorite movies of all time and has an awesome soundtrack.


    1. I love Oh Brother Where Art Thou too! I'm glad you're trying something new--this is quite inspiring. I've already put your blog into my "dailies" folder :)

    2. I know you are a super busy woman, but maybe we can do lunch some time :)
